Theoretical approach to the banking crisis management model

Economics & Management


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Lidiya Bondarenko Ph.D. Department of Finance, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Irina Lashchyk Ph.D. Department of Finance, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 29.10.2018 - 13:58

One of the main problem in the field of crisis management, which has developed to date, is the lack of a unified approach of scientists to its essence, functions and tasks. As a result this problem raises disagreements in the authors' approaches to the crisis management process, number of its stages and the sequence of their implementation. First of all, it concerns the sphere of banking services. Consequently, the aim is to clarify the essence of the "crisis management" concept, as well as to build a model for its implementation, adapted to the Ukranian banks activities.


[1] M.V. Sukonyak, Formation of the mechanism of crisis management system bank. Dnipro, Ukraine: Dnipro Publ., 2013, pp. 134-138.

[2] “Analytical review of the banking system of Ukraine by results of 2017”. Available:, 2017 [Oct. 15, 2018].

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