Investigation of the influence of nitrogen oxides to increase chlorophyllsynthesizing microalgae in aquatic environment

Biotechnology, Ecology & Sustainable Development


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Solomiia Mandryk No Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 25.10.2018 - 14:24

 Vasil Dyachok, Solomiia Mandryk


[1] «About problem of absorption of greenhouse gas by chlorophylsynthesizing microalgae in the presence of sulhur dioxide.» published in the collection of materials of the VII International Youth Scientific Forum "Litteris et artibus", November 23-25, 2017, Lviv, Ukraine, p. 465-467.

[2] Influence of nitrogen oxides on the human body and plants/[Electronic resource]/ Access mode:

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Ivan Tymchuk
reviewer, secretary

Dear authors,


Your paper has been accepted!


We are glad to inform you that your conference paper has been accepted to participate in the 8th International Joint Youth Science Forum «Litteris et Artibus» & 13th International Conference «Young Scientists Towards the Challenges of Modern Technology», particularly in "Environmental Protection, Natural Resourcemanagement & Tourism" (EcoTour) conference (November 22-24, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine)! Your paper will be published in digital proceedings with ISSN and DOI on the website


Please, answer the following participation questions:

•   Are you going to take part in the conference in person?


Presentation delivery regulations:


Conference participants will present their work on posters. Content and design of posters is arbitrary, but it should include the basic provisions of your paper: authors names, title, main points, equations, figures etc. as well as exclude solid color, gradient or other costly to print backgrounds. The poster's upper part may include some information about your organization (title and logo, brief contact information).

Selected papers will be presented orally.


If you need help with accommodation, please send a request to the Secretary. Invitations to lunch will be available for purchase at the registration desk.


The full Forum’s program will be published on the before November 19, 2018.


Looking forward to receiving your poster! See you in Lviv soon!


Best regards,

Ivan Tymchuk,

EcoTour Secretary

Thu, 11/15/2018 - 15:42
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