Estimation Method of Greenhouse Gases Emissions at Thermal Power Plants

Ecology and sustainable development. Environmental protection
Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference «Chemical Technology and Engineering»: June 24–28, 2019, Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018, pp. 364–371


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Igor Volchyn Ph.D. Coal Energy Technology Institute, The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Liydmyla Haponych Ph.D. Coal Energy Technology Institute, The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Vitaliy Mokretskyy Ph.D. Dagas
Warka, Poland

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 17.04.2019 - 15:50

A method for calculating CO2 emissions from coal combustion at the TPP is developed on the basis of carbon emission factors, taking into account the heat value of coal and heat losses due to the presence of unburnt carbon in ash. The values of СО2 emissions at Ukrainian TPPs are obtained. Specific emissions of carbon dioxide are closely 1100 g СО2/kWh, which correlates with high specific consumption of fuel for electricity production at the TPP. 


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Wed, 04/24/2019 - 14:50