Smart lighting for corridors of an educational institution building

Roman Medvid′1 medvidroman7 [at]
Andriy Muzychak1 mAndriy [at]
  1. Department of power distribution systems for industrial, urban and agricultural facilities, Lviv Polytechnic National University, UKraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12

In summer 2017 the law of Ukraine «On Energy Efficiency of Buildings» came into force. The law demands obligatory certification of energy efficiency of state-owned buildings. Therefore it is necessary to increase energy efficiency that includes the implementation of a number of organizational and technical measures. The main organizational measure is the introduction of a system of energy management in an educational institution. Technical measures mean the introduction of modern energy-use technologies, in particular, smart technologies. The basis of smart technologies is a mini computer like Raspberry Pi or microcontroller Arduino. The advantage of smart power management systems is their scalability and the ability to integrate with other systems (security, fire safety). In the article is shown an example of using the smart system in a lighting of educational institution building.


[1] Law of Ukraine №2118-VIII «On the energy efficiency of buildings», dated June 22, 2017.

[2] V. Turkovskyi, M.Oliinyk, A.Muzychak, O.Turkovskyi, K.Golowackyj. Experience of implementation energy management system in budgetary institutions. // Collection of scientific works of the International scientific and technical conference «Energysaving – 2005», – p.94-96.

[3] Tutorial: Building a Raspberry Pi Smart Home (Part 1) [Electronic resource]. Access mode. –