Substantiation of Usage Expediency and Analysis of Exploitation Problems of Low-Power Wind Turbines

Vitaliy Korendiy vitaliy.nulp [at]
Vitaliy Vergeles
  1. Department of Mechanics and Automation in Mechanical Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12

Wind energy is considered as one of the most perspective, developed and ecologically clean energy resource. Nevertheless, it is associated with several harmful factors which influence environment. That’s why basic causes and zones of vibration initiation in wind turbines, as well as negative vibratory and acoustic factors of wind turbine influence on natural beings, are analyzed. In conclusion it is substantiated that the ecological problems of low-power wind turbines may be neglected and they should be widely used for economic development and energy independence improvement of our country.

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