Сonformity of energy efficiency measures in Ukraine with European requirements

Olga Ozhyshchenko1 olga.ozhyshchenko@gmail.com
  1. State Higher Educational Establishment “Prydniprovs`ka state academy of civil engineering and architecture”, Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k, Tchernychevsky street 24A

Today the thermal insulation of residental buildings is being made apartment by apartment, sometimes without compliance the minimum of energy efficiency requirements. On the other hand, Ukraine is gradually moving to European standards. In this regard, a study of parameters compliance of the existing buildings and the most common work on the thermorenovation of buildings performed today in Ukraine with European standards on the example of the Romanian regulations was conducted. The study found that the existing building according to European documents have class F. After thermorenovation work it can achieve the label C or B, depending on the used materials


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