Effects of abuse and neglect on children intelligence

A. Shyroka1 sudylovska [at] ukr.net
I. Kuzo2 IruskoOo [at] mail.ru
I. Kubay3 irina_sibelius [at] ukr.net
A. Franchuk4 franchuk_nastya [at] mail.ru
  1. Theoretical and Applied Psychology Department, Institute of Law and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, 1/3 Knyaz Roman St.
  2. Theoretical and Applied Psychology Department, Institute of Law and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, 1/3 Knyaz Roman St.
  3. Theoretical and Applied Psychology Department, Institute of Law and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, 1/3 Knyaz Roman St.
  4. Theoretical and Applied Psychology Department, Institute of Law and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, 1/3 Knyaz Roman St.

The results of empirical research of intellectual characteristics of children from Shelter at the age between 10-16 years have been processed. According to results, two distinct groups of children due to their intellectual abilities were distinguished. The first group consisted of 34% of children who does not have significant intellectual difficulties, the second group – 76% of children have considerable inelectual delays. Also the results of comparison of the children’s from Shelter and Secondary School intellectual abilities are presented. The opportunities of further studies and the ways of promoting Shelter children’s intelectual development are discussed.


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