Using artificial intelligence in GIS for the needs of land management

Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Ivan Sadovyy Ph.D. sadddd007 [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Nataliia Stoiko Ph.D. n_stoiko [at] Lviv National Environmental University
Lviv, Ukraine
Liudmyla Makieieva Ph.D. makeevafiz2017 [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Alona Riasnianska Ph.D. alona.ryasnyanska [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Denys Makieiev No denismakeev09 [at] State Biotechnological University
Kharkiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 11.08.2022 - 17:15

More active and purposeful use of artificial intelligence for management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, presentation and display of geoinformation data will allow solving complex issues of land resource planning and management effectively. The research presents and analyzes the results of using machine learning methods to classify satellite images of the southern part of the Kharkiv region during the period of increased fire danger, which in turn will contribute to a more rational implementation of land management works. Geographic information systems are in constant development and are integrated with scientific achievements from other fields. Artificial intelligence, namely machine learning, in geoinformation systems allows for faster and better environmental research.


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