Content of heavy metals in sewage sludge at silt fields of Lviv wastewater treatment plants

Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring & Exploration


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Oksana Shkvirko Ph.D. oksanashkvirko [at] Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Ivan Tymchuk Ph.D. i.s.tymchuk [at] Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Myroslav Malovanyy Sc.D. myroslav.mal [at] Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Oleh Bota No Oleg.bota [at] Center LTD Consulting
Lviv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 29.08.2021 - 16:05

The paper presents data on the determination of heavy metals in sewage sludge accumulated in the silt fields of Lviv treatment plants. A map of the morphological structure of the surface of the accumulated sludge is made. A study was carried out to determine the gross and mobile forms of heavy metals in sewage sludge, namely copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd), and based on the results, maps were constructed.


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