
First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Andrii Kovalchuk No Postgraduate student of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Assistant of the Department of Land Management Planning at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Ivan Kovalchuk Sc.D. Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Departnment of Geodesy and Cartography, Deputy Dean on scientific work of the Faculty of Land Management the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Andriy Mykhnovych Ph.D. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Geography and Cartography at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Lviv, Ukraine
Olha Pylypovych Ph.D. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Geography and Cartography at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Lviv, Ukraine
Bohdan Zhdaniuk Ph.D. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology at the Volynian Lesia Ukrainka National University
Luts'k, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 31.10.2020 - 15:23

The paper deals with the essence and main directions of the complex analysis of the river systems state in mountain and highland regions of Ukraine. Their functioning (as water, sediments and dissolved substance runoff riverbed morphology changes under influences of the riverbed and slope processes) and long-term changes in the morphology and geoecological state of the rivers and their catchments due to natural and man-made factors are characterized. The investigations were based on comparative morphometric analysis of the river systems structure, field and stationary observations of the nature components state within the catchments, determination of the anthropogenic pressure on the landscapes. As the result the tendencies, scales and intensity of transformation and degradation processes development in different parts (subbasins) of the river basin systems in the Polissia, Volyno-Podillia, Precarpathians, and Ukrainian Carpathians have been ascertained. The measures for improvement of the river basin systems state and optimization of nature use have been proposed.


1.    Aleksieyevskiy N. [1998] Forming and movement of river sediments, Moscow, Moscow University, 202 p. (in Russian).

2.    Kovalchuk A., Kovalchuk I. [2018] Atlas mapping of the river basin systems: Monograph / Prof. I. Kovalchuk Ed., Lviv, Prostir-M, 348 p. (in Ukrainian).

3.    Kovalchuk I. [1994] Sediments balance in the system “slope – watershed – river” and its impact upon ecological state of the rivers. Proceedings of the іХ Interinstitutional Coordination Council on the erosion, riverbed and river mouth processes, Briansk, pp. 59–60. (in Russian).

4.    Kovalchuk I. [1997] Regional ecological-geomorphologic analysis, Lviv, Institute of Ukraine Studies, 440 p. (in Ukrainian).

5.    Kovalchuk I., Dubis L. [1998] Analysis of the river systems structure in the mountain part of the Transcarpathians and assessment of it changes in the period 1939 – 1992. Soil erosion and riverbed processes, 11, Moscow, Moscow University, 151–162. (in Russian).

6.    Kovalchuk I., Mykhnovych A. [2006] Functioning regime of the river systems in upper part of the Dnister River basin. Ukrainian Geographic Journal, 2, 9–18. (in Ukrainian).

7.    Kovalchuk I., Pavlovs’ka T. [2008] River basin system of the Horyn’: structure, functioning, optimization. Monograph, Luts’k, “Vezha”, Volyn’ Lesia Ukrainka National University, 244 p. (in Ukrainian).

8.    Kovalchuk I., Shtoyko P. [1989] River systems of the Western Podillia: methods of the scales and causes ascertaining of long-term changes in the structure and ecological state. Geomorphology, 4. 27–34. (in Russian).

9.    Kovalchuk I., Shtoyko P. [1992] River systems changes in the Western Podillia in XVІІІ–ХХ centuries. Geomorphology, 2. 55–72. (in Russian).

10.  Pylypovych O., Kovalchuk I. [2017] Geoecology of the Upper Dnister river basin system. Monograph. Lviv – Kyiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 284 p. (in Ukrainian).

11. Bug River valley as the ecological corridor: state–threats–protection [2002] Еdited by A. Dombrowski, Z. Glowacki, I. Kovalchuk, M. Nikiforov, Z. Michalczyk, W. Szwajgier, K.-H. Wojciechowski. Warsaw, 130 р.

12. Dang Minh Hai, Shinya Umeda, Masatoshi Yuhi [2019] Morphological Changes of the Lower Tedori River, Japan, over 50 Years. Water 11(9), 1852. 23

13. Kovalchuk I.P. [2007] Problems of small rivers degradation. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 1, Moscow, 59–72.

14. Kovalchuk I., Mykytchyn O., Kovalchuk A. [2020] Geoinformation modeling of anthropogenic transformation of the basin geosystems (case study of the Dnister right tributaries). Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Geology. Geography. Ecology&quot, 51, 124–139.

15. Kovalchuk I. P., Mkrtchian O. S., Kovalchuk A. I. [2018] Modeling the distribution of land surface temperature for Bystrytsia river basin using Landsat 8 data. Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology, 27(3), 453–466. DOI:

16. Rossa O'Briain [2019] Climate change and European rivers: an eco-hydromorphological perspective.  Ecohydrology, Vol. 12, Issue 5, 2099.


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