Complex processing of liquid pyrolysis products

Development, energy and resource saving in the chemical and food technologies
3rd International Scientific Conference «Chemical Technology and Engineering»: Proceedings – June 21–24th, 2021, Lviv, Ukraine – Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2021, pp. 98–100


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Dariia Kichura Ph.D. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Roman Subtelnyi Ph.D. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Bohdan Dzinyak Sc.D. Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 12.05.2021 - 12:18

The processing of oil fractions or natural gas produces a significant amount of liquid products of pyrolysis (LPP) or cracking of hydrocarbons. Due to the increase in the capacity of pyrolysis plants, a large number of LPPs are formed, the qualified use of which is a necessary condition for ensuring the profitability and waste-freeness of ethylene. The yield of LPP, depending on the raw material and the mode of the pyrolysis process, is 20 ... 40%. The use of LPP for the production of petroleum resins can significantly improve the technical and economic performance of ethylene plants and reduce the cost of ethylene by 20 ... 30%. LPP fractions and their combinations are mainly used to obtain NPS.

  1. Zohuriaan-Mehr, M. J., & Omidian, H. (2000). Petroleum resins: an overview. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer Reviews, 40(1), 23-49.
  2. Mildenberg, R., Zander, M., & Collin, G. (2008). Hydrocarbon resins. John Wiley & Sons.
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