Determination of main characteristics for patrol SWATH on the concept stage
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The vessel with a small area of the waterline has an atypical relation of the main dimensions, and regression formulas, obtained on the basis of the processing of existing projects, can help at the early stages of design
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[3] Pravila klassifikatsii i postroyki morskikh sudov (2015). [Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships] // Russian Maritime register of shipping,
[4] Akakura, Takahashi (1998.) Ship Dimensions of Design Ship under Given Confidence Limits// Technical Note of the Ports and Harbor Research Institute, — № 911
[5] Josip Medaković (2013), Ban Dario, Branko BlagojevićA Comparison of Hull Resistances of a Mono-Hull and A SWATH Craft,University of Split,IJESIT Volume 2, Issue 4, July, Croatia, pp 155-162
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Dear Editor! It was my first article. I have done it without co-authors.
Determination of main characteristics for patrol SWATH on the concept stage
Design theory of shipbuilding department, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding,
Ukraine, Mykolaiv, 9 Heroiv Ukrainy Ave., 54025, Tel.: +380675111551, kondratieva [dot] lilia
gmail [dot] com