Welded Layers Microstructure Modification on the Basis of Powder Wire Cr10B4 with addition of Al, Mg

Andriy Voitovych andrsibox [at] gmail.com
Roman Mykhalskyi
Roman Vlakh
  1. Department of Welding, Hardware Diagnosis and Restoration, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12.

The welded layers formed of powder wires PW Cr10B4, PW Cr10B4Al2, PW Cr10B4AlMg were investigated in the course of work. It was defined that Al, Mg applications influence the microstructure grinding and rounding carboboride inclusions. Abrasive wear resistance of the weld materials under the condition of outwearing by a fixed abrasive, unfixed abrasive, as well as shock load, was detected. It was determined that wear resistance of the welded layers with PW Cr10B4AlMg at shock load was 3.5 time higher than that of other weld materials. Degradation mechanism of the welded layers PW Cr10B4AlMg is malleable.

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