Inclinometric monitoring of a soil massif during the construction in the complicated soil conditions in the city of Kyiv

Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Andrii Banakh Ph.D. mbg.fbvr.zdia [at] Department of Urban Construction and Architecture, Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Illia Sviatohorov Ph.D. 050415 [at] Department of environmental technologies and labor protection, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 17.08.2024 - 15:10

In each case of a new construction the dense urban development may create a risk of damage or normal operation disruption for existing buildings. The structures construction is often delayed or retarded after the pit arrangement. As a result, the strength properties of soils, on which the foundation is built, decrease. However, the buildings are usually designed with their initial, rather high physical and mechanical indicators, so the soils may not withstand the required loads. The construction of an office and residential center at 11a Mechnikova St. in the Pechersk district of Kyiv was hazardous for the developed area and caused a necessity to assess the construction impact on the surrounding territory in the compacted urban development conditions. The monitoring of the soil massif deformations and groundwater levels at the construction site started from May 13, 2014.

The cracks opening in the existing buildings coincided in time with the beginning of the pit digging for a residential complex at 9a Mechnikova St. and 11 Mechnikova St. There, the surrounding buildings state was simultaneously affected by two construction projects at 9a and 11 Mechnikova St. and 12a Klovskyi Descent. The developer, E.K. Service Company, stated that it would inspect them and conduct a large-scale hydro-geological survey to ensure the safety for the nearby buildings residents, considering the landslide-prone situation. The existing engineering-geological, hydrogeological and man-made conditions of the construction site and adjacent territories were subject to examination in connection with the landslide-hazardous phenomena development and necessity of forecasting their changes. That was aimed at implementing some preventive measures.


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