Forest roads restoration with biodiversity conservation using GIS

Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Anna Kharchenko Sc.D. National Transport University
Kyiv, Ukraine
Viktoriia Khrutba Sc.D. National Transport University
Kyiv, Ukraine
Petro Trofymenko Sc.D. Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko
Kyiv, Ukraine
Iryna Stakhiv Ph.D. Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko
Kyiv, Ukraine
Dmytro Liashenko Sc.D. Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko
Kyiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 27.08.2023 - 16:28

The paper focuses on GIS use for the restoration of forest roads while considering biodiversity conservation. It addresses the challenges posed by road infrastructure in forest ecosystems, emphasizing the negative ecological impacts caused by roads. The research highlights the importance of integrating ecological data and infrastructure planning to achieve sustainable development of the territory. The authors present survey results from the roundtable discussion "Social Dialogue. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Ukraine" and propose the algorithm of the electronic calculator for environmental impact assessment digitization.


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