Monitoring of coastal protective strips of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River and recommendations for their state improvement in the future

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First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Nataliia Loboda Sc.D. Odessa State Environmental University
Odessa, Ukraine
Oleh Hryb Ph.D. Odessa State Environmental University
Odessa, Ukraine
Yaroslav Yarov No Odessa State Environmental University
Odessa, Ukraine
Viktor Pylypiuk Ph.D. Odessa State Environmental University
Odessa, Ukraine
Anna Balan No Odessa State Environmental University
Odessa, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 18.10.2020 - 19:01

У роботі зібрано та узагальнено інформацію про сучасні державні прибережні захисні смуги водотоків (річок, балок, струмків) та штучних водосховищ (ставків, водосховищ, кар'єрів у заплаві річки тощо) у басейні р. Великий Куяльник.

До 2018 року практично не було інформації про стан земель прибережних захисних смуг та водоохоронних зон у басейні р. Великий Куяльник. Це створило значні непорозуміння та зловживання під час їх використання та призвело до інтенсивної деградації річки екосистеми та Куяльницького Лимана.

Згідно з моніторингом у басейні річки (експедиційні обстеження та результати розшифровки супутникових знімків за період з 2007 по 2018 рр.) Автори склали вичерпну карту (з 56 аркушів) басейну річки Великий Куяльник. На цій карті позначено: мережа водотоків, штучних водойм, дамб і дамб та ділянок берегів, де порушені вимоги Водного та Земельного кодексу України щодо стану та режиму господарської діяльності в прибережних захисних смугах.

Для практичного застосування підготовлений детальний опис стану та меж прибережних захисних смуг уздовж обох берегів сучасного русла р. Великий Куяльник. Найчастіше порушується ширина прибережних захисних смуг.

Встановлено, що значні частини прибережних захисних смуг займають зорану землю та приватні території. На деяких ділянках річки відсутні прибережні захисні смуги. У деяких випадках розорані прибережні захисні смуги і навіть русла річок.

Встановлено, що 44% прибережних захисних смуг не відповідають вимогам Водного та Земельного кодексу України.

Автори підготували загальні рекомендації щодо заходів щодо поліпшення стану прибережних захисних смуг водних об'єктів у басейні р. Великий Куяльник. Ці рекомендації включають організаційно-економічні заходи, агротехнічні заходи, заходи з меліорації луків та лісових насаджень, а також гідротехнічні заходи.

Здійснення цих заходів сприяє майбутньому відновленню природного гідроекологічного режиму водних об'єктів у басейні р. Великий Куяльник.

Зазначені заходи дозволяють відновити або посилити захисну (буферну) роль рослинності прибережних ландшафтів у межах прибережних захисних смуг в басейні р. Великий Куяльник.


Babko R., Chorna T. [2007] All about coastal protection strips / Odessa state ecol. un-ty. Odessa: TES, 112 p. (in Ukrainian).

Martyn A.H., Kanash O.P., Pokydko I.V. [2009] Problems of land management provision of formation of water protection zones. Land Management and Cadastre 3: 17-28. (in Ukrainian).

Yatsyk A.V. [2003] Water management ecology: in 4 volumes, 7 books. Kyiv: Genesa, 1960 p. (in Ukrainian).

Tomiltseva A.I. et al. [2017] Ecological bases of water resources management: a textbook. Kyiv: Institute of Ecological Management and Balanced Nature Management, 200 p. (in Ukrainian).

Pokydko I., Martyn A. [2012] A new concept of formation of water protection restrictions in land use. Land Management Bulletin 7: 34-40. (in Ukrainian).

Nychvyd M.R. [2017] Methods of 3D modeling for the organization and establishment of boundaries of water fund lands and water protection zones. in Proceedings of the All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference «Actual problems and modern vectors of development of geodesy, land management, cadastre, GIS and nature management» (Odessa, June 15-16, 2017). Odessa: Odessa State Agrarian University, p. 98-101. (in Ukrainian).

Osypchuk S., Koshel A., Kolhanova I. [2013] Scientific and methodological approaches to the development of land management projects for the establishment of coastal protection strips. Land Management Bulletin 7: 21-25. (in Ukrainian).

Kosiak D.S. [2012] Theoretical bases for the development of standard schemes and structures of engineering and biotechnical regulation of water protection zones and coastal protection strips of rivers of Ukraine. Geography and Tourism 21: 234-241. (in Ukrainian).

Loboda N.S., Hryb O.M. [2017] Hydroecological Problems of the Kuyalnyk Liman and Ways of Their Solution. Hydrobiological Journal 53 (6): 87-95.

Loboda N.S., Hopchenko Ye.D., Stepanenko S.M. et al. [2016] Water regime and hydroecological characteristics of the Kuyalnyk Liman / Ed. N.S. Loboda, E.D. Gopchenko. Od. state ecol. un-ty. Odessa: TES, 332 p. (in Ukrainian).

Loboda N.S., Hryb O.M. et al. [2018]. Research work on the survey of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk riverbed: report from the SRW (final) / Od. state ecol. un-ty; Science manager Loboda N.S. № state registration № 0118U000850, Odessa, 509 p. (in Ukrainian).

Loboda N.S., Otchenash N.D., Hryb O.M. [2018] Description of artificial reservoirs at the catchment area of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River and regulation of their operation in the present and in the future. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal 21: 50-59. (in Ukrainian).

Hryb O.M., Serbov M.H. et al. [2018] Assessment of the current state of coastal protection strips in the Velykyi Kuyalnyk river basin and general recommendations for measures to improve it in the future. in Abstracts of the VII All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Problems of Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Hydroecology" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, November 13-14, 2018). Kyiv: Nika-Center, p. 88-89. (in Ukrainian).


Secretary GeoTerrace
researcher, secretary

Dear authors,
Thank you for your paper submission!

Please translate your abstract in english and format the references in your paper according to the conference requirements (APA style). Proper references formatting is essential for conference papers inclusion in the bibliographic databases.

We are looking forward to reviewing your updated paper!
GeoTerrace Secretary

Tue, 11/03/2020 - 20:01
O.Hryb's picture


The paper collected and summarized information about the current state coastal protective strips of watercourses (rivers, gullies, streams) and artificial reservoirs (ponds, reservoirs, quarries in the floodplain of the river etc.) in the basin of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River.

By 2018, there was practically no information on the state of lands of coastal protective strips and water protection zones in the basin of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River. This created significant misunderstandings and abuses during their use and has led to intensive degradation of the ecosystem river and the Kuyalnytskyi Lyman.

According to monitoring in the river basin (expeditionary surveys and the decryption results of satellite images for the period from 2007 to 2018) the authors compiled a comprehensive map (of 56 sheets) of the basin of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River. On this map are marked: network of watercourses, artificial reservoirs,dikes and dams and plots of shores where the requirements are violated the Water and the Land Code of Ukraine regarding the state and mode of economic activity within the coastal protective strips.

For practical application a detailed description of the state and boundaries of coastal protective strips along both banks of the modern riverbed of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River is prepared. The width of the coastal protective strips is most often violated.

It is established that significant parts of the coastal protective strips occupy the plowed land and private grounds. There are no coastal protective strips on some parts of the river. In some cases, coastal protective strips and even riverbeds are plowed.

It has been determined that 44% of coastal protective strips do not meet the requirements of the Water and the Land Code of Ukraine.

The authors prepared general recommendations for measures to improve the status of coastal protective strips of water objects in the basin of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River. These recommendations include organizational and economic measures, agrotechnical measures, measures for melioration of meadows and forest plantations, as well as hydraulic engineering measures.

Implementation of these measures contributes to the future restoration of the natural hydroecological regime of water facilities in the basin of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River.

The indicated measures allow to restore or strengthen the protective (buffer) role of vegetation of coastal landscapes within the limits of coastal protective bands in the basin of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River.

Tue, 11/03/2020 - 20:46
O.Hryb's picture



Martyn, A. H., Kanash, O. P., & Pokydko, I. V. (2009). Problems of land management provision of formation of water protection zones. Land Management and Cadastre, 3, 17-28. (in Ukrainian).

Loboda, N. S., & Gryb, O. M. (2017). Hydroecological problems of the Kuyalnyk Liman and ways of their solution. Hydrobiological Journal, 53(6), 87-95. doi: 10.1615/HydrobJ.v53.i6.90

Loboda, N. S., & Hopchenko, Ye. D. (Eds.). (2016). Water regime and hydroecological characteristics of the Kuyalnyk Liman. Odessa: TES. (in Ukrainian).

Loboda, N. S., Otchenash, N. D., & Hryb, O. M. (2018). Description of artificial reservoirs at the catchment area of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk River and regulation of their operation in the present and in the future. Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Journal, 21, 50-59. (in Ukrainian). doi: 10.31481/uhmj.21.2018.06

Loboda, N., Hryb, O., Tuchkovenko, Yu., Otchenash, N., Kuza, A., Serbov, M., ... Pylypiuk, V. (2018). Research work on the survey of the Velykyi Kuyalnyk riverbed (Report No. 0118U000850). Odessa, Ukrainian: Odessa State Environmental University. (in Ukrainian).

Hryb, O. M., Serbov, M. H., Yarov, Ya. S., Boiaryntsev, Ye. L., Ternovyi, P. A., & Pylypiuk, V. V. (2018). Assessment of the current state of coastal protection strips in the Velykyi Kuyalnyk river basin and general recommendations for measures to improve it in the future. In Abstracts of the VII All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Problems of Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Hydroecology” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (pp. 88-89). Kyiv: Nika-Center. (in Ukrainian).

Tomiltseva, A. I., Mykhailenko, L. Ye., Baranovska, V. Ye., Kuryliuk, M. S., Ovcharenko, I. I., Yatsyk, A. V., ... Yurechko, Yu. O. (2017). Ecological bases of water resources management. Kyiv: Institute of Ecological Management and Balanced Nature Management. (in Ukrainian).

Pokydko, I., & Martyn, A. (2012). A new concept of formation of water protection restrictions in land use. Land Management Bulletin, 7, 34-40. (in Ukrainian).

Kosiak, D. S. (2012). Theoretical bases for the development of standard schemes and structures of engineering and biotechnical regulation of water protection zones and coastal protection strips of rivers of Ukraine. Geography and Tourism, 21, 234-241. (in Ukrainian).

Osypchuk, S., Koshel, A., & Kolhanova, I. (2013). Scientific and methodological approaches to the development of land management projects for the establishment of coastal protection strips. Land Management Bulletin, 7, 21-25. (in Ukrainian).

Wed, 11/04/2020 - 00:13
O.Hryb's picture

Updated paper (format the references in according to the APA style).

Wed, 11/04/2020 - 00:32
O.Hryb's picture

Dear GeoTerrace Secretary!
We updated papers (abstract translated in english and references formatted in according to the APA style).
Thank you!

Wed, 11/04/2020 - 00:57