Information interference of Russia in the election process in Ukraine in 2019

Computer Science & Engineering
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New version of a paper 3 10.10.2019 - 22:08
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New version of a paper 2 10.10.2019 - 15:45
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New version of a paper 1 10.10.2019 - 15:47
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First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Andrii Gizun Ph.D. National aviation Univercity
Kyiv, Ukraine
Vladyslav Hriha No National aviation Univercity
Kyiv, Ukraine
Anna Blidar No National aviation Univercity
Kyiv, Ukraine
Oleksii Zakharchuk No National aviation Univercity
Kyiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 12.09.2019 - 02:03

There have been presented an analysis of the information influence of the Russian Federation on the course of the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019 and attempts to develop an algorithm for such influence. During the implementation of the task of changing the leadership of Ukraine, Russia used a mechanism that was tested during the US presidential campaign in 2016 and a referendum of leaving the European Union in the UK in 2017. The complex of measures contained various approaches to different groups of the population.


SZR. Threats of  the RF in the election process in Ukraine. 2019. Online resource:

[2]     Rating of the most popular sites in Ukraine in 2018: "Vkontakte" is in the top list.

[3]     #ShariShowStatistics.

[4]     CEC. Results of voting on Jule 21, 2019.

[5]     Opposition to Russian Propaganda and Media Literacy: Results of an All-Ukrainian Public Opinion Survey

[6]     Gladkovsky’s son with his friends supplied armored car repair parts with a wrapper in excess of 100%.

[7]     Who slandered the candidates? Negative in online media.

[8]     SSU fixes powerful activation of RF special services in the information space of Ukraine on the eve of the presidential elections

Full text


Владислав Гріга (not verified)

updated the paper according to the reviewer's comments

Thu, 10/10/2019 - 15:45
Владислав Гріга (not verified)

updated the paper according to the reviewer's comments

Thu, 10/10/2019 - 15:47
Владислав Гріга (not verified)

article updated to reflect: expanded research through analysis of US electoral process, and refined links

Thu, 10/10/2019 - 22:08
Secretary CSE
researcher, secretary

Dear authors, the headings of your figures should be "fig. 1, fig. 2", not full words. Correct it.

Wed, 10/16/2019 - 15:19
Secretary CSE
researcher, secretary

Dear Authors,

Your paper has been accepted!

We are glad to inform you that your conference paper has been accepted to participate in the 9th International Youth Science Forum «Litteris et Artibus» (November 21-23, 2019, Lviv, Ukraine)! Your paper will be published in digital proceedings with ISSN and DOI on the website

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•   Are you going to take part in the conference in person?

•   Do you require official invitation letter from Lviv Polytechnic? (The invitation letter will be scanned and sent to your e-mail).

Presentation delivery regulations:

Conference participants will present their work on posters. Content and design of posters is arbitrary, but it should include the basic provisions of your paper: author names, title, main points, equations, figures etc. as well as exclude solid color, gradient or other costly to print backgrounds. The poster's upper part may include some information about your organization (title and logo, brief contact information).

Selected papers will be presented orally.

We also ask you to cover the conference fee till October 25, 2019:

  • International participants – 100 EUR;
  • Participants from Ukraine – 450 UAH.

Conference fees include online paper publication and organizational expenses. Cost of accommodation, meals and social program are not included. 

Please note, that invitation will be sent and proceedings will be implemented only after 100% payment fee.

If you need help with accommodation, please send a request to the Secretary. Invitations to lunch will be available for purchase at the registration desk.

The conference fee’s payment details:

Account details for payment of the participation fee from Ukraine participants (in UAH):

Одержувач: Первинна профспілкова організація студентів та аспірантів Національного університету «Львівська політехніка»

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код за ЄДРПОУ (ІПН): 20846213

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Призначення платежу: П.І.Б, оргвнесок за участь у конференції «LEA-2019»


Account details for payment of the participation fee by international participants (in EURO):

Beneficiary: Lviv Polytechnic Alumni Association

IBAN: UA753805820000026002010325122




Corraccount No.: 400 8866 75800

With Correspondent Bank: COMMERZBANK AG, Frankfurt am Main, Germany



The full Forum’s program will be published on the before November 1, 2019.

Looking forward to receiving your poster! See you in Lviv soon!


Best regards,

Natallia Veretennikova,

The CSE Secretary


Thu, 10/17/2019 - 13:29
Владислав Гріга (not verified)

we paid for the conference today. We will participate personally and we need an invitation letter

Thu, 10/24/2019 - 22:49