The 9-th International Youth Science Forum «Litteris Et Artibus»: Biotechnology, Ecology & Sustainable Development, which will be held on November 21-23, 2019 in Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine).
Conference areas include but are not limited to:
- Biotechnology
- General and Applied Ecology
- Sustainable Development
- Environmental Security and Audit
- Environmental Policy
- Environmental Protection Management
- Ecological and Geographic Information Systems
- Natural Resource Management
Authors of original papers describing research in the areas corresponding to the scope of our 9 conferences are invited to participate. Researchers who are yet under 35 on November 21, 2019 are eligible to apply (at least one of the paper co-authors should satisfy this age criteria).
Submitted papers should be laid out in compliance with templates available from the conference website and be written in English in a clear and concise manner.
All applications should be submitted via the Open Review Hub website https://openreviewhub.org/lea
Please note that all submitted papers will be a subject of open peer review by at least 2 independent reviewers.
How to apply?
- register on https://openreviewhub.org
- post an application via the “Litteris et Artibus” website - https://openreviewhub.org/lea
- wait for reviews of your paper
- make the necessary corrections according to reviewers’ comments (if needed)
All submitted papers will be available on the Forum website immediately after submission as preprints.
Accepted refereed papers will appear on the Forum website as a part of digital Materials (ISBN, DOI). Selected papers will be included into the digital Proceedings (ISSN, DOI) on the same website. Proceedings will be submitted in Scopus and Web of Science databases in May 2019.
Conference participants will present their work on posters (camera-ready poster layouts should be submitted via the conference website on paper acceptance, organizers will print them on size A1 paper). Selected papers will be presented orally.
BESD-2019 will take place in Lviv Polytechnic National University — one of the biggest and the oldest technical university in Ukraine. Founded in 1816, our university combines more than one and a half century experience with the newest approaches to education and research.
Conference objectives are:
- stimulating creative professional activity of young scientists;
- creating favourable conditions for presenting results of youth work to the international scientific community;
- facilitating exchange of experience and ideas among young scientist presenting various scientific schools;
- engaging student body in scientific research;
- making the youth familiar with the latest research results and brand-new tendencies in the sphere.
We hope to accept plenty of talented papers and hold many exciting discussions this year! Looking forward to seeing you in Lviv!