The construction of the solid model of Sheptytsky's Memorial in Lviv by the method of laser scanning

Geodesy, Architecture & Construction


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Nataliia Nazarchuk No NU Lviv Politechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Mykola Bigun No NU Lviv Politechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Anatolii Vivat No Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 29.08.2019 - 09:45

The main advantage of the terrestrial laser scanning method over the spatial total stations
method is the additional information about point from which the laser beam is reflected. This is a
color and an intensity. These are so-called photogrammetric advantages of the laser scanning. In
general, over the last decade, laser scanning has evolved significantly. The devices from large,
energy-intensive transformed in to small, such as a total stations measuring instruments. The
hardware part, application software and scanning results processing programs have improved.
The work on the station with a modern scanner is a simple. You must leveling the instrument and
start the measurements. In many researches from a given topic, the accuracy of laser scanning is
studied as an independent measurement method. For example, in the research [1] methods for
measuring angular and linear values used in terrestrial laser scanning are described in detail. In
[2] the accuracy of laser scanning was investigated, and the use of high-precision engineergeodesic works was proposed. In [3] our researchs are almost repeated, but they are local. In
[4, 5], photogrammetric methods of obtaining model of a building's facade are investigated in


[1] Seredovych V. A., Komyssarov A. V., Komyssarov D. V. (2009). Nazemnoe lazernoe
skanyrovanye [Terrestrial laser scanning]. Novosybyrsk: SHHA [in Russia].
[2] Katushkov V. O., Shults R. V., Sossa B. R. (2012). Spivvidnosyny mizh ochikuvanoyu
tochnistyu nazemnoho lazernoho skanuvannya i vymohamy do tochnosti vykonannya
inzhenerno-heodezychnykh robit [The correlation between the expected accuracy of
terrestrial laser scanning and the requirements for the accuracy of engineering and geodetic
works]. Mistobuduvannya ta terytorialne planuvannya – Urban Planning and Territorial
Planning, 44, 238–248. [in Ukrainian]
[3] Velykorusova A. A. (2016). Rozrobleno metodyku stvorennya tryvymirnykh modeley za
dopomohoyu fototakheometra Topcon IS-301 [Development methods creating threedimensional models using total station Topcon IS 301]. Inzhenerna heodeziya –
Engineering Geodesy, 63, 34–43. [in Ukrainian]
[4] Kamnev, I. S.; Seredovich, V. A. (2017) Analysis of the three-dimensional vector façade
model created from photogrammetric data. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote
Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences, 2017, 4.
[5] Glotov V., Marusazh K. (2013). Analiz metodiv stvorennya frontalʹnykh planiv lazernym
nazemnym skanuvannyam ta tsyfrovym znimannyam [Analysis of methods for creating
frontal plans by laser terrestrial scanning and digital imaging]. Heodeziya, kartohrafiya i
aerofotoznimannya - Geodesy, Cartography, and Aerial Photography, 78, 30–37. [in
[6] Vivat, A. Y., Tserklevych, A., &Smirnova, O. (2018). Doslidzhennya pryladiv dlya
vymiryuvannya heometrychnykh parametriv konstruktsiy inzhenernykh sporud [A study of
devices used for geometric parameter measurement of engineering building construction].
Heodeziya, kartohrafiya i aerofotoznimannya - Geodesy, Cartography, and Aerial
Photography, 87, 21–29. [in Ukrainian]
[7] Litynskyi, Volodymyr, et al. (2019) The accuracy investigation of point coordinates’
determination using a fixed basis for high-precision geodesy binding. Reports on Geodesy
and Geoinformatics, 107, 19–23

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Sat, 10/26/2019 - 22:34
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