Whistleblowing in the Enterprises and The Influence Of Whistleblowing On The Business Performance

Abdullah Karaman2 akaraman@selcuk.edu.tr
  1. Lecturer, Social Science Vocational High School, Selcuk University, Turkey, Konya.
  2. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Tourism, Selcuk University, Turkey, Konya.
  3. Asst. Prof. Dr., Faculty of Tourism, Selcuk University, Turkey, Konya.

Whistleblowing can be defined as revealing nonethical behaviors or events  in organizations. Whistleblowing, which can be stated as revealing or announcing the improprieties in organiztations, has recently begun to appear among actual subjects of media and management. Organizational success and continuousness depend on business performance. In this study, the concept of whistleblowing was explained and the effects of whistleblowing on business performance were tried to be explained.


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