Ways of Improvement of Productiveness of Vibratory Tubular Conveyors

Vladyslav Shenbor1 vladyslav.s.shenbor [at] lpnu.ua
Vitaliy Korendiy1 vitaliy.nulp [at] gmail.com
Volodymyr Brusentsov 1 volodymyr.h.brusentsov [at] lpnu.ua
  1. Department of Mechanics and Automation Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12

The principle of construction of two-mass lengthy tubular conveyors of coaxial type with electromagnetic oscillations exciter is considered. The dependence for determination of the conveyor productiveness is substantiated. The design diagrams of tubular multi-tube conveyors of two- and three-mass vibratory schemes are proposed and the efficiency of their implementation in order to increase the productiveness of bulk and lump products feeding due to the use of all tubular elements as transporting ones is substantiated.


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