Optimization of Damping Parameters of Self-Oscillations of Multifrequency Oscillatory System

Yuriy Novitskyy1 iurii.novitskyi@gmail.com
Petro Dmyterko 2 dmyterko.petro@gmail.com
  1. Department of Mechanical Engineering Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12
  2. Department of Mechanics and Automation of Mechanical Engineering, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12

Developed and researched mathematical model four-mass scheme autoclave machine tools. Influence of parameters of internal friction is analysed in the joints of structural elements machine-tool on relative amplitude of vibrations the cutter and detail. The ambiguousness of influence of parameters of damping energy of vibrations is shown on relative amplitude of the vibrations a cutter and detail.


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[2] Yu. K. Favstov, Yu. N. Shulga, A .G. Rahshtadt, Metallovedenie vyisokodempfiruyuschih splavov, Moscow: Metallurgiya, 1980.

[3] Ya. Novitskyi, Yu. Novitskyi, “Osoblyvosti vykorystannia splaviv vysokoho dempfuvannia v konstruktsii vibrostiikoho metalorizalnoho instrument,” in Proc. of Conferecne “Prohresyvni tekhnolohii v mashynobuduvanni”, Lviv, 2017, pp. 85–87.