Monitoring crustal deformations in Carpathian fold system

Sofiya Doskich1
Oksana Moviaka1
Vladyslav Semenchuk2
  1. Geodesy and Astronomy Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, Karpinskyi street 6
  2. Engineering Geodesy Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv Karpinskyi street 6

The main territory of Ukraine is located on stable Eastern European platform but some parts are also in the Mediterranean zone: Carpathian fold system and Foldedbrylova Building Mountain Crimea. These tectonic structures are characterized by seismicity. Monitoring such seismic active regions is great interest for geodynamic study. Nowadays, monitoring of these regions is more available with development and distribution of GNSS technology. The Department of Geodesy and Astronomy of Lviv Polytechnic National University operate several reference GNSS stations in Carpathian region. These stations are used for engineering purpose but they also have a strong potential for the monitoring of regional and local crustal deformation. This research intends to quantify crustal deformation trend in Carpathian fold system using GNSS technique observations starting from 2013 to 2016. GNSS measurements are processed by Gamit-Globk software. Absolute rates of reference stations have been estimated (22 mm/yr). Horizontal rates show a clear trend – a dextral character. Movement components are in the direction of northern east


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