Mobile housing design: overview of current trends

Olha Khymytsia1
  1. Department of Architectural Design, Lviv Politechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, St. Bandery Street, 12

The relevance of using mobile housing is substantiated, its classification is based on an own version of a mobile home (transformer type).


[1] V. Vasilishin, “Trends of development of mobile housing”, [Electronic resource] / Vasilishin V., 2017 – Access mode: praktichnopiznavalna-internet-konferentsiya/63-tendentsijirozvitku-mobilnogo-zhitla

[2] V. Mironenko, “ Mobile housing as functionaltypological variety industry of modern housing construction”, [Electronic resource] / Mironenko V, 2015- Access mode: article/n/mobilnoe-zhilie-kak-funktsionalnotipologicheskaya-raznovidnost-industrii-sovremennogodomostroeniya