Importance of use international standarts of quality in Ukraine

Angela Peresunko1
Tetyana Danko1
  1. Department of Entrepreneurship and Environmental Examination of Goods, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, Bandera street 12

The article substantiates the importance of application of international standards of quality ISO series 9000 at domestic enterprises. The problem, principles of international standards of ISO series 9000 has been substantiated. The advantages and deficiencies of ISO 9000 international quality standards have been proved. The characteristic of the main international standards of quality of ISO series 9000 is presented


[1] Gosstandart of Ukraine (2015), “Quality management systems. Basic Terms and Glossary of Terms (ISO 9000:2015, IDT): DSTU ISO 9000:2007. [Chin. of 01.07.2016]”, Systemy upravlinnya yakistyu. Osnovni
polozhennya ta slovnyk terminiv (ISO 9000:2015, IDT) : DSTU ISO 9000:2007. – [Chyn. vid 01.07.2016], p. 72.

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