In this work the essence of hydrodynamic flow measurement error of ultrasonic flowmeter (USM). The methods of eliminating this error are analyzed. One of these methods is considered in detail – optimization of the location schemes of chordal acoustic paths (APs) of USM. The optimization is performed on the basis of the analytical-empirical power law of the distribution of the velocity of the undistorted flow. As a result of the work, the authors calculated the optimal location of the APs for chordal schemes of two- and three-path USMs. It was established that optimization of the location schemes of APs chordal USM allows to reduce the hydrodynamic flow measurement error to a value of 0.05 % (for USM with two hordal APs) and 0.1 % (for USM with three chordal APs). The developed approach is convenient when designing multipath USM and their research in laboratory conditions.
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