Hydrodynamic Flow Measurement Error of Ultrasonic Flowmeters

Fedir Matiko1 fmatiko@gmail.com
Ivanna Kovalchuk1 ivannakoval4uk96@gmail.com
  1. Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12.

In this work the essence of hydrodynamic flow measurement error of ultrasonic flowmeter (USM). The methods of eliminating this error are analyzed. One of these methods is considered in detail – optimization of the location schemes of chordal acoustic paths (APs) of USM. The optimization is performed on the basis of the analytical-empirical power law of the distribution of the velocity of the undistorted flow. As a result of the work, the authors calculated the optimal location of the APs for chordal schemes of two- and three-path USMs. It was established that optimization of the location schemes of APs chordal USM allows to reduce the hydrodynamic flow measurement error to a value of 0.05 % (for USM with two hordal APs) and 0.1 % (for USM with three chordal APs). The developed approach is convenient when designing multipath USM and their research in laboratory conditions.


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