Effect of Oxidant Composition on Obtaining Raw Material for Pulverized Coal Production from High-sulfuric Low Grade Coal

Mariіa Shved1 mari4ka.ved@ukr.net
Serhiy Pyshyev1
Yuriy Prysiazhnyi1
Olena Sagan1
  1. Department of Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12

The effect of the water steam on the sulphur removal degree and conversion level of coal organic matter has been determined. Sulfur content, as well as ash content and volatiles yield depend on the mentioned values. The optimal the content of water steam in oxidants to realize the oxidative desulphurization process has been found with the aim of obtaining raw material for pulverized coal production.


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