Development of the Production of Ecological Goods in Ukraine and Their Labeling and ComplianceWith Standards

Mariana Bets 1
Mariana Magdych2
  1. Entrepreneurship and Environmental Expertise of Goods Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, Stepan Bandera str., 12

The urgency of the study is due to the fact that the domestic market of environmental goods and organic products in the current economic conditions characterizes the level of environmental and food security of Ukraine and the effectiveness of the implementation of state environmental policy in the field of quality management of goods, products and services


[1] Council of the European Union (2016), “Resolution of the Council (EC) № 834/2007 of 28 June 2007 on organic production and labeling of organic products, and repeal of Regulation (EEC) № 2092/91” available at: (Accessed 13 October2017).

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[3] Organic Federation of Ukraine (2010), “Organic in Ukraine”, available at: 26-13-42-29 (Accessed 13 October 2017).

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