Construction of the main building for the Tsisars-Royal Technical Academy in Lviv in 1873-1877 on the pages of «Gazeta Lwowska» newspaper

Nataliia Panas1
  1. Assistant Professor, Department of History, Museology and Cultural Heritage, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, Mytropolyt Andrei str.,3

Described the main milestones in the construction of the main building for the Tsisar-Royal Technical Academy in Lviv in 1873-1877 according to the materials of Polish periodical of that time "Gazeta Lwowska". Emphasized the importance of this process, not only for the educational system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but in general for social and cultural life of the region.


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[3] Budowa akademii technicznej // Gazeta Lwowska: gazeta. – 1874. – 2 maja (# 100). – S.3.

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[9] Budowa akademii technicznej // Gazeta Lwowska: gazeta. – 1877. – 16 list. (# 291). – S.3.

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