Changes in the Thermal Stability of Mineral Motor Oils After its Using in Diesel Engine

Bohdan Korchak1
Viktoria Kochubei2
Taras Chervinskiy1
Oleg Hrynyshyn1
  1. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Chemical Technology of Oil and Gas Processing 79013, Ukraine, Lviv, Stepana Bandery street, 12
  2. Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry 79013, Ukraine, Lviv, Stepana Bandery street, 12

It is studied the process of thermal stability of the fresh and waste mineral motor oils for the diesel engine. Based on the results of the research it’s been established that the chemical composition of mineral motor oisl after their exploitation depends primarily on the type of engine and its service conditions. It is shown that thermal stability of the studied petroleum motor oils under the same conditions is not the same, due to a change in the chemical composition and the uneven wear and tear additive package.


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