Legitimization In Mass Media Through Sense Of Sight

Suleyman Duyar1 sduyar@selcuk.edu.tr
  1. Radio Television and Cinema Department, Selcuk University, Turkey, Konya, Communication Faculty

Human beings perceive the surrounding world with five senses. Information we acquire through our senses make up all our daily life practices. People use their other senses as densely as they use the sense of sight. Eyes continuously scan to make sense of the food eaten, sound heard in the street and flower smelt etc. It constantly seeks for new experiences and catches everything in visual space. Every object affects individual’s physical and mental structure like any food digested. Images perceived by the brain are sent to subconscious. Human beings live in a system of images which are continuously refreshed and thus previous images are considered to be less important that new images. Yet, conscious adds new images on previous ones and whole life of human beings takes shape based on this experience. Totalitarian institutions, which are aware of human beings sense of sight and perception, will of course want to take on the might of this era of technology. Institutions which continuously develop new methods of pressure and control are renewed in every new age. Besides, it must be noted that these means come up and spread not as a result of human beings needs but to consolidate existence and authority of these institutions.
In this article, the sense of “sight” which is fundamental for all kinds of artistic endeavors will be discussed. In addition, the methods employed in the arrangement of narrations set up when events are conveyed in means like television or cinema. In this way, how people’s perception can deliberately be changed by these means and how ideas are justified through animation-imitation and fiction can be understood.


[1] Campbell, Joseph, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, Princeton University Press, 1968.

[2] Landau, Neil. “The Screenwriter’s Roadmap: 21 Ways to Jumpstart Your Story” s.91, Focal Press, 2013.

[3] Indick, William, “Psychology for Screenwriters, s. l45, Mcnauhgton & Gunn, 2004.

[4] Selbo, Jule, “Film Genre for the Screenwriter”, s.l98, Routledge, 2015.

[5] Boyer, John, “The Plaid Avenger's World”, s.405, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2010.