Investigation of Some Regularities of ZnS and ZnSe Films Synthesis

Martyn Sozanskyi1
Ruslana Guminilovych1
Pavlo Shapoval1
Yosyp Yatchyshyn1
  1. Analytical Chemistry Department, Lviv Pol ytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandera Street 12,
  2. Department of Technology of Organic Materials, Lviv Polytechnic National University, UKRAINE, Lviv, St. Yura square 2

The process of synthesis ZnS and ZnSe thin films by a chemical bath deposition method (CBD) has been investigated. The phase composition, surface morphology and thickness of ZnS and ZnSe films were studied. The kinetic curves of ZnS and ZnSe synthesis was obtained and activation parameters were calculated. The correlation between thickness, morphology and activation energy have been established.


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