Formation and Growth of Gold Nanostructures on Atomically Smooth Surfaces of MoS2, Graphite, Mica in the Non-Aqueous Medium

V.Styopkin 2
  1. F.D. Ovcharenko Institute of Biocolloid Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine, 42 Acad. Vernadsky Blvd., 03680 Kyiv, Ukraine
  2. Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 46 Nauky prosp., 03028, Kyiv, Ukraine

A numerous methods of synthesis of gold nanoparticles (NPs) allow to obtain spherical and anisotropic Au NPs in aqueous and non-aqueous media, in the micelles and at the phase interfaces. Here we propose to grow the Au NPs directly on atomically flat surfaces of different monocrystals: MoS2, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and mica. Thus, the spherical NPs and monocrystals are being formed preferentially in presence of the mica and graphite surfaces, while on MoS2  ̶ NPs and Au nanowires. The shape, size and thickness of the gold NPs were estimated by scanning electron microscopy. The method of electron microprobe analysis has revealed that the gold NPs have no incidental impurities. Кеу words – nanoparticle, monocrystal, atomically smooth surfaces, side defects, dendritic structures, scanning electron microscopy.

  1. Borodinova T. I., Sapsay V. I., Romanyuk V. R. “Rost nanokristallov zolota v smesi pervichnyih spirtov” [“Gold Nanocrystals Growth in the Mixture of Primary Alcohols”]; Zhurnal Nano- ta Elektronnoyi Fizyky – Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics., vol. 7, no. 1, 2015.