Ecological and Economic Foundations of Air Protection in the Industrial City of Dnipropetrovsk Region

Lyubov Tymoshenko1
Oleksandra Us2
  1. Department of Applied Economics, SHEE «National Mining University», Ukraine, Dnipro, prospekt Dmytra Yavornyts′koho, 19.
  2. Department of System Analysis and Control, SHEE «National Mining University», Ukraine, Dnipro, prospekt Dmytra Yavornyts′koho, 19.

Based on statistical data of economic and ecological indicators in industrial cities of the Dnipropetrovsk region the dynamics of state of the air and its quality was  estimated using the statistical methods and methods of decisions making in conditions of uncertainty. The interrelation between pollution levels and some economic factors was examined. The necessity of strengthening the economic levers at the municipal level in the field of ecological state of air quality in an industrial city was proved.


[1]  Environment m. Dneprodzerzhinsk [Statistical digest](in Ukrainian) / Office of Statistics in the city. Dneprodzerzhinsk – 2014. – 47 с.

[2]  L.V. Tymoshenko, O.M. Us, " Environmental and economic aspects of evaluation and prediction of air pollution in industrial city" (in Ukrainian) Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University , pp.156168, 2016.