Crisis Affecting Tourism Relations Between Turkey and Russia

  1. Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Tourism, Selcuk University,Turkey.
  2. Department of Travel Management and Tourist Guiding, Faculty of Tourism, Selçuk University,Turkey.
  3. Institue of Social Sciences, Department of Travel Management and Tourist Guiding, Selçuk University,Turkey.
  4. Institue of Social Sciences, Department of Travel Management and Tourist Guiding, Selçuk University,Turkey.

The tourism sector, considering its contribution to the national economy, is very important especially for developing countries. Developments in the countries as a result of globalization affect the tourism sector positively or negatively. Russia is an important market for Turkey and there are two major crisis affecting Turkish tourism. One of them is Ruble crisis and this crisis affected Turkish tourism indirectly. The other crisis is airplane and affected Turkish tourism directly. As a result, the Ruble crisis has not affected the Turkish tourism harshly, but the Turkish tourism was affected quite negatively by airplane crisis because of Russia's sanctions policy. This crisis affected Antalya mostly. 


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