Comparative Evaluation of Transporting Cargo by Road and Rail between Lviv and Kharkiv

Dmytro Roslavtsev1
Maria Olkhova2
  1. Transport Systems and Logistics Department, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Revolyutsii street 12.

The current economic downturn in Ukraine, which led to a significant increase in costs, including transportation, made it necessary to revise approaches to the organization of the transport process. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of the transportation costs for packaged goods shipping by road and rail in 2013 and 2016. It was revealed that transporting cargo by rail is the most profitable in present market conditions in comparison with road transport, but it is necessary to take into account a number of rail shortcomings including transportation time, rail sidings of consigner and consignee and cargo safety. 

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