Combined Thick-film Structures Based on Modified Nanoceramics for Sensor Electronics

Halyna Klym1
Yuriy Kostiv2
  1. Specialized Computer Systems Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandery street 12.
  2. Security of Information Technologies Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, Lviv, S Bandery street 12.

Combined temperature and humidity sensitive thick-film structures based on technological modified nanostructured ceramics (Cu0.1Ni0.1Co1.6Mn1.2O4 with p+-type of electrical conductivity, Cu0.1Ni0.8Co0.2Mn1.9O4 with p-type of electrical conductivity and magnesium aluminate i-type MgOAl2O3), as well as temperature-sensitive p-p+ and p-p+-p structures were prepared and studied. It is shown that increasing of the quantity of thick-film layers results in the improvement of the temperature sensitivity of thick-film structures. Humidity-sensitive thick films with temperaturesensitive films as conductive layers posses linear dependence of electrical resistance on relative humidity with hysteresis in the range of 30-95 %. 

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