genetic algorithm

Modification of the initialization and crossing methods of ant and genetic algorithms for solving the transport problem in the tourism

The article proposes to analyze the behavior of ant colonies, namely the search for the shortest route by means of the allocation of pheromones and the function of crossing the two solutions of the genetic algorithm, to develop a method and algorithm for the following operations: search of the optimal route, calculation of resource costs, search of the distance, route time, routes

Research and development of methods to select the optimal location of vehicles on the parking lot

Рeople often face the problem of finding the place on a parking, especially it applies to sites with multiple floors or to parking lots in large shopping centers with significant traffic. In such places drivers are forced to wander in search of a place, creating considerable inconvenience. Besides that, cars are parked in a chaotic manner and noone thinks how to optimize their location. That is why it is necessary to create a system that can simplify this process and automatically search a proper place