Fixation, Monitoring & Assessment of War Consequences and Post-War Reconstruction (NEW)


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Roman Stupen Sc.D. romomas [at] Lviv National Environmental University
Dubliany, Ukraine
Zoriana Ryzhok Ph.D. zoryana.rizhock [at] Lviv National Environmental University
Dubliany, Ukraine
Oksana Stupen Ph.D. zoryana.rizhock [at] Lviv National Environmental University
Dubliany, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 20.08.2024 - 11:55

Monitoring of agricultural lands was carried out using remote sensing of the Earth to determine the zones of military action in the territory of the village of Yagidne of the Bakhmut Territorial Community of the Donetsk Region during August 4, 2021 - July 4, 2024. For this purpose, Sentinel-1 images containing the calibrated backscatter intensity (Sigma0) in VV polarization were processed. The resulting images were combined into a temporal stack and the change detection tool in the SNAP program was applied. As a result, the areas of significant changes were highlighted and the zones of damage to agricultural lands from the conduct of hostilities were displayed. It has been proven that the use of radar data to determine the zones of military operations on agricultural lands contributes to more effective risk management and provides the necessary information for making informed decisions, providing high accuracy and detail of images of the earth's surface regardless of weather conditions and time of day in order to detect changes in the structure fields, destruction of infrastructure and other consequences of military actions.


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