Assessment and mapping of microclimatic features in complex architectural structures in Lutsk

Land Cover Mapping & UAV


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Anna Pankevych No anna15.17112006 [at] Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine
Lutsk, Ukraine
Ternopil National Medical University
Lutsk, Ukraine
Vitalina Fedoniuk Ph.D. ecolutsk [at] Lutsk national technical university
Lutsk, Ukraine
Oleksandr Vovk Ph.D. vovk.oleksandr [at] Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
Lutsk, Ukraine
Serhii Pankevych Ph.D. ecopsg [at] Lutsk national technical university
Lutsk, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 25.08.2024 - 17:30

In urban areas, the characteristics of buildings and the presence of intricate architectural complexes significantly influence microclimate indicators, particularly wind and temperature patterns. This, in turn, plays a pivotal role in determining the comfort of the microclimate and the quality of life for the local population. This study focuses on examining the impact of a unique building in Lutsk, the “Beehive House”, which is one of the world's longest residential structures. The analysis delves into temperature and wind conditions within its sphere of influence. The research involved instrumental measurements of wind speeds and surface temperatures in the study area, complemented by remote analysis using infrared space images from various time periods. The findings are presented through evaluation tables, cartograms, and graphs that visualize the distribution of microclimatic indicators within the “Beehive House's influence zone”. The research reveals that this influence is unmistakably pronounced and manifests in the following ways: Within the internal sections of the “Beehive House”, wind speeds are predominantly mitigated and reduced by 35-40%, except when the wind aligns with the arch transitions between cells and open honeycomb sections. Notably, a significant "wind tunnel" effect is observed in the paired and triple arches of the building, resulting in wind speed increases of 50-85% in these areas. The overall temperature of the active surfaces is contingent on wind patterns, with higher temperatures observed in areas characterized by reduced wind speeds. This is particularly evident in the central regions of the honeycombs near the buildings themselves. In summary, the architectural design and urban planning decisions employed in this context contribute to the establishment of a favorable microclimate in the surrounding area. However, it's worth noting that some paired arches exhibit different characteristics.


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