The use of geoelectric data to create geological-tectonic basis for hydrogeological block of environmental monitoring system for mining regions (on the example of Southern Kryvbas)

Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Petro Pihulevskyi Sc.D. Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Oleh Tiapkin Sc.D. Dnipro University of Technology
Dnipro, Ukraine
Serhii Yaremii No Dnipro University of Technology
Dnipro, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 14.08.2023 - 11:51

Modern mining production is accompanied huge technogenic impact by all components of an environment and first of all – underground hydrosphere. And now one of the main tasks is to improve hydrogeological block of environmental monitoring system by applying geophysical methods that are effective in solving engineering-environmental problems of mining regions. Effective use of geoelectric data to create geological-tectonic basis for hydrogeological block of environmental monitoring system is shown on the example of Southern Kryvbas. The basis of our geophysical research is repeated (since 2008) electrical exploration – vertical electrical sounding (VES). The research area is located between 3 largest Kryvbas mining plants (“Southern Mining-Processing Plant”, “Arcelor Mittal Kryvyi Rih” and “Ingulets Mining-Processing Plant”) and storage pond of highly mineralized mine and open pit waters of all mining enterprises of Central and Southern Kryvbas in Svistunovo gorge (capacity ~13 million m3). 3D digital geoelectrical model of upper part of Earth's crust was formed according to geoelectrical research data. The complex interconnection of different ranks Earth's crust faults reflects multiphase geotectonic changes in rock masses here. The resulting complex geophysical-tectonic data is the basis for clarifying the position of geoelectric profiles in developed hydrogeological block of environmental monitoring system of Southern Kryvbas.


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