Relief of central Ukrainian Transcarpathians and tectonic factors of its formation in the late Neogene

Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Andriy Nazarevych Ph.D. Carpathian Brunch of S.I.Subbotin name Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Lviv, Ukraine
Lesya Nazarevych Ph.D. . S.I.Subbotin name Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, department of seismicity of the Carpathian region
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 23.08.2023 - 19:35

The relief of the central part of Ukrainian Transcarpathians and the tectonic factors of its formation in the late Neogene are analyzed. It is shown that the morphology of the relief clearly reflects the peculiarities of the tectonic evolution of this area and the Ukrainian Carpathian region in general as a combination of "alpine" (multi-layered "crocodile" tectonics), "terrain" (translocation to the eastward of structures of the crust of the Transcarpathian trough (depression) – the northeastern edge of the Alkapa terrain) and "asthenolitic" ("spreading" of convective flows from the asthenolite under Pannonia) components of the late Neogene regional geodynamic process and of the modern geodynamic process inherited from it. The reflection of these processes in the geological-geophysical, geodetic and geomorphological data was traced, in particular, the correspondence with them of various patterns of relief, systems of diagonal (Carpathian), orthogonal and sublatitudinal-submeridional faults in the basement and sedimentary strata of the Transcarpathian depression and radial-annular fault systems in structures of the volcanic massifs of the Vygorlat-Guta range, the connection with these faults of local seismotectonic activity, including the zone of deep crustal seismicity (depths of 40-55 km) in the area of junction of the Transcarpathian and Oash deep faults. Characteristic features of expressed small-block "keyboard-like" (horst-graben) tectonics and multi-tiered seismotectonic activity of the Transcarpathian trough (depression), associated with geodynamics and rheological stratification of the crust (under the influence of high heat flow from the asthenolite under Pannonia) are noted, in particular, scenarios and mechanisms of specific local perceptible earthquakes with mechanisms of layer-by-layer horizontal displacement along the horizontal plane of discontinuity.


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