Monitoring of air shock waves from industrial explosions at the Northern Mining and Concentration Plant quarry (Kryvyi Rih)

Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Serhiy Zabolotny No The National Defence University of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 23.08.2023 - 09:54

The complexity of forecasting the seismic action of explosions and making certain engineering decisions is caused by the fact that, in addition to the total energy of the explosive charges, the magnitude of the dynamic parameters of the oscillation has a significant influence on the technical measures developed and put into practice to control the explosion. Therefore, the main method of studying the seismic action of the explosion remains only the analysis of the results of instrumental observations. Explosive work in the quarries of OJSC “Northern Mining and Concentration Plant” was accompanied by an airborne sound wave with levels: 60-64 dBA was heard on the premises, which is 5-9 dBA higher than the permissible value and 39 -43 dBA, which is up to 3 dBA higher than the norm; in the adjacent territory, it is 77-85 dBA, which is 7-15 dBA higher than the permissible value, and 54-61 dBA, which is up to 6 dBA higher than the norm. The main factors determining the sound levels at objects with normalized noise levels are the amount of the explosive substance, the distance from the explosive block to the measurement point, the speed and direction of the wind at the time of the explosion.


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