Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Andriy Mishchenko Sc.D. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, technical director of KP MA "Kyiv" (Zhulyany)
Kyiv, Ukraine
Liliia Skrypnyk Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, National Aviation University
Kyiv, Ukraine
Nataliia Ishchenko Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, National Aviation University
Kyiv, Ukraine
Iryna Novakovska Sc.D. Department of Land Cadastre, Faculty of Land Management National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Anton Koshel Sc.D. Faculty of Land Management National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 11.08.2023 - 23:58

The current stage of the formation of the energy policy of the state, in the context of the energy strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2035, is considered. The need for active implementation of modern directions of the "green tariff", in particular, the use of renewable energy sources to optimize the energy situation in the country, which will provide an opportunity to increase such capacities, which in the future will reduce our country's need for expensive fuels such as gas and coal, has been identified. Thus, the development of this industry will strengthen energy independence and contribute to the growth of public welfare. The problem of the lack of land plots for the placement of solar energy systems is considered. Along with this, the foreign experience of installing universal photovoltaic systems, which are well suited to many existing airport projects due to their large horizontal surfaces, was investigated. As an example, the international airport of Cochin in India, which became the first airport in the world that uses only solar energy, as well as the airport "Stevens Point" in the USA and others, was considered. With the help of the Helioscope program, a trapezoidal polygon was selected within the controlled zone of the airport "Kyiv" (Zhulyany), which represents a potential location for the installation of a solar battery system - Solar PvSystem. The operation of the combined solar power plant at a green tariff for the airport's own consumption is proposed, the components of the combined solar power plant are analyzed in the context of the future project on the territory of the International Airport "Kyiv" (Zhulyany). The analysis and systematization of data on energy efficiency indicators at the output of the array and energy entering the network, as well as the coefficient of productivity of electricity generation, was carried out. The approximate period of compensation of the solar power system, as well as the cost of electricity produced by the station for 5 years of operation for the International Airport "Kyiv" (Zhulyany) have been calculated. Energy consumption "before" and "after" the installation of the SES for the company's own needs was determined.

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