Genesis of tangential mass forces caused by reorientation of the generalized figure of the lithosphere

Earth Surface Processes & Geodynamics


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Anatoliy Tserklevych Sc.D. National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Olha Shylo No National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Yevhenii Shylo Ph.D. National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 24.08.2023 - 11:22

The study of the problem of formation of additional planetary stresses in the lithosphere from the action of tangential distributed mass forces has become relevant in geodynamics. The presence of a deviation of the plumb line from the normal to the surface of the solid Earth determines the appearance of TMF acting in the upper shell of the Earth. Due to the change in the orientation of the ellipsoid describing the lithosphere, an updated field of potential horizontal forces is formed, which, according to the conservation of the momentum of motion, move lithospheric masses and generate stresses and strains in the lithospheric shell. The reorientation of the lithospheric shell has shown that a deformation field of lateral displacements is formed on its surface. In our opinion, this is one of the likely factors of the process that triggers global movements of lithospheric blocks.  The peculiarities of the connection between the directions of the TMF vector field and the directions of movement of permanent GNSS stations and the directions of movement of the GSRM model velocities of the continents are detailed. The results of the study make it possible to more reliably interpret the features of the TMF distribution. These forces can trigger trigger mechanisms for discharging accumulated stresses, which is important for studying seismicity.


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