Fixation, Monitoring & Assessment of War Consequences and Post-War Reconstruction (NEW)


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Olena Zhukova Ph.D. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Київ (київська Обл.), Ukraine
Nazariy Negoda No Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Київ (київська Обл.), Ukraine
Iryna Korduba Ph.D. Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Київ (київська Обл.), Ukraine

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First published on this website: 22.08.2023 - 08:31

In this paper, the authors consider the main aspects of assessing the ecological state of the urbanized environment. The process of urbanization and related qualitative characteristics can be effectively considered only when studying the system "man - society - environment". The most important task of studying this system is to investigate the continuous process of urbanization and the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and public health. It has been established that an increase in the density of construction and settlement contributes to an increase in general and childhood infectious morbidity. A model for studying the causal dependence of the impact of anthropogenic and climatic factors on the urban environment and public health is proposed. The role of the components of the mechanism of natural self-regulation in ensuring the stability of the urban environment is determined.


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