Engineering Surveying & Deformation Monitoring


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Anatolii Vivat No anatoliyvivat [at] National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Anatolii Tserklevych Sc.D. Anatolii.L.Tserklevych [at] National university Lviv polytechnic
Vviv, Ukraine
Liudmyla Poliakovska Ph.D. liudmyla.l.poliakovska [at] National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine
Natalia Nazarchuk No natalianazarchuk14 [at] Guild of Geodesist Engineers
Lviv, Ukraine
Andrii Sagan No andriysagan1 [at] Guild of Geodesist Engineers
Lviv, Ukraine
Oleksandr Hrabovyi No oleksandr.hrabovyi.hd.2017 [at] National university Lviv polytechnic
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 20.08.2022 - 22:54

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) technology for determining coordinates has significant advantages over other geodetic methods. This is globality, all-weather, automation. The main disadvantage of GNSS is the dependence on the openness of the horizon for the visibility of satellites. The improvement of GNSS is, for example, the "Tilt" technology (Luo, 2018) - tilt sensors that bring the inclined receiver to a vertical line with an error of 2 - 5 cm depending on the angle of inclination. AGNSS technology is the transmission of corrections through a satellite channel when communication with the base station is lost." The new "IMU" technology is short-term positioning in space without satellites. Technology "PPP" (Mulic, 2013) - increasing the accuracy of autonomous position determination by introducing corrections to disturbing factors (orbit, atmosphere, additional reflection). The most accurate way to determine the position on the earth's surface using the GNSS method is the static method with an error of 1-2 mm. The RTK "Real Time Kinematic" method is very relevant today and is often used by surveyors, it provides high accuracy, quality and speed of coordinate determination. Today, GNSS technologies are more actively used by geodetic production and have practically replaced electronic tacheometry in topographic surveying. In our opinion, the "Tilt" technology can increase the accuracy of shooting points when the horizon is significantly closed for GNSS topographic surveying in RTK mode. The instruction on topographic surveying regulates the error for the largest scale of 5 cm. Increasing the number of satellites and satellite constellations should increase the accuracy and reliability of determining the coordinates in the RTK mode. In 2011, we conducted a similar study at the landfill in Berezhany (Vivat, 2011). In the future, technologies will probably be developed that will increase the accuracy of determining coordinates in difficult conditions with a closed horizon. Therefore, such studies are relevant. In 2022, we proposed a synchronous RTK method (Vivat, 2022) using two rover receivers to compensate for systematic errors.


Luo, X., Schaufler, S., Carrera, M., & Celebi, I. (2018, May). High-precision RTK positioning with calibration-free tilt compensation. In Proceedings of the FIG Congress.

Mulic, M., Krdzalić, D., Donlagic, E., & Bilajbegovic, A. (2013, April). Possibilities and benefit of the online GNSS PPP free services for GNSS applications-the accuracy and reliability. In Proceeding (s) of the UN/Croatia Workshop on GNSS Applications (pp. 21-25).

Vivat, A., Litynskyi, V., Kolhunov, V., & Pokotylo, I.  (2011). Doslidzhennia tochnosti vyznachennia koordynat GNSS metodom u rezhymi RTK. Heodeziia, kartohrafiia i aerofotoznimannia, 52-59.

Vivat, A., Tretyak, K., Savchyn, I., Navodych, M., & Lano, O. (2022). Investigation of determining the accuracy of spatial vectors by the satellite method in a real time mode. Journal of Applied Geodesy.

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