Estimation of zenith tropospheric delays determined from GNSS observations at antarctic station

GNSS & Satellite Geodesy
GNSS & Satellite Geodesy

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First published on this website: 15.08.2022 - 12:07

Today, the Antarctic continent is almost completely covered by powerful ice systems, which contain 90% of the world's ice reserves and 70% of the world's freshwater reserves. Any changes in the ice sheet in Antarctica will have global consequences and require careful monitoring. The GNSS method is an invaluable tool for such research. With the help of GNSS stations located in Antarctica, it is possible to conduct seismic monitoring, determine the amount of ice melting, calculate the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, and measure ionospheric activity. The main goal of this study is to calculate the zenith tropospheric delays (ZTD) of GNSS stations in Antarctica. The tropospheric delay values ​​were determined based on the data analysis in the double difference (DD) network solution mode and ​​compared with the ZTD data from the PPP precise point positioning method. Calculated tropospheric delays can be used to estimate water vapor content in the Antarctic troposphere, to correct altimetric products for the influence of the moist component of the troposphere, and for remote sensing of the atmosphere.


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