Web mapping of soil pollution in Lviv region

Land Cover Mapping & UAV


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Andrii Sohor Ph.D. andrii.r.sohor@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Andrii Brydun Ph.D. andrii.m.brydun@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Mykhailo Fys Sc.D. mykhailo.m.fys@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Mariana Yurkiv Ph.D. mariana.i.yurkiv@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine
Anton Buha No anton.buha.mnz.2020@lpnu.ua Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv, Ukraine

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First published on this website: 28.08.2021 - 19:56

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in soil analysis in terms of environmental quality assessment. The purpose of such research is to quantify the harmful (excess) content of harmful elements and the degree of soil contamination, ie getting into it various chemicals, toxicants, waste from agricultural and industrial production. The program of agrochemical certification of agricultural lands provides for the study of soils for the content of salts of heavy metals, residual amounts of pesticides (RAP). Soil is the main source of their entry into food, and through them into the human body. In many cases, heavy metals are present in soils in small quantities and are not harmful. However, their concentration in the soil may increase due to exhaust emissions from vehicles, application of phosphorus and organic fertilizers, use of pesticides and other agrochemicals. The resistance of soils to heavy metal pollution is different and depends on their buffering. Soils with high adsorption capacity and, accordingly, high content of clay and organic matter can contain these elements, especially in the upper horizons. Assessment of the ecological condition of soils by the content of heavy metals is carried out by comparing their actual content in the soil with such indicators as the maximum allowable concentration (MPC) and geochemical background for a particular type of soil in a particular area. As a result of the analytical control of soils within the sanitary protection zones and in the places of accumulation of waste of the enterprises of Lviv region it should be noted that pollutants of land resources are mainly industrial waste and accumulators of household waste (landfills, sludge sites). The main purpose of this work is to create a web map of environmental soil pollution in the Lviv region. To achieve this goal, we collected and systematized geospatial statistics related to the ecological condition of the soils of Lviv region. The choice of software for the development of a web map of soil pollution has been made. A template of applications for the development of a web map based on the indicators of 428 soil sampling in places of their contamination by industrial enterprises and landfills has been selected. Thus, a web map of soil pollution in Lviv region was developed in the software environment "ArcGIS Online".


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