Echo-sounding of lakes of the Nobel national nature park for the purposes of landscape mapping and geoecological monitoring

Remote Sensing & GIS for Environmental Monitoring & Exploration


First and Last Name Academic degree E-mail Affiliation
Ivan Zubkovych No Nobel National Nature Park
Nobel, Ukraine
Ivan Kovalchuk Sc.D. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
Vitalii Martyniuk Ph.D. Rivne State University of Humanities
Rivne, Ukraine
Vasyl Korbutiak Ph.D. National University оf Water and Environmental Engineering
Rivne, Ukraine
Serhii Andriychuk No Rivne State University of Humanities
Rivne, Ukraine

I and my co-authors (if any) authorize the use of the Paper in accordance with the Creative Commons CC BY license

First published on this website: 28.08.2021 - 13:32

Lake ecosystems are sensitive to changes in hydrogeological parameters in their basin systems, which is especially evident in the context of global climate change. Disturbance of ecological balance in lake-basin systems (LBS) leads to changes in the level regime of reservoirs, intensification of waterlogging processes, excessive warming of shallow water areas, and intensification of eutrophication processes, and sometimes restructuring of LBS landscapes. Taking into account these circumstances, the need for geo-ecological monitoring of the lakes of the Nobel National Nature Park (Nobel NNP) is substantiated. For this purpose, the Humminbird 597ci HD was used to cool the lakes within the park with the use of floating means and the GNSS observation planning service. On the basis of the conducted instrumental landscape-hydrological researches of lake Khoromne (Nobel NNP), the basic limnometric parameters of LBS (area, depth, volume of water masses, and a number of coefficients) have been calculated. The three-dimensional model of the lake relief, the longitudinal profile of the lake basin, and the bathymetric map of the lake was built in the ArcGIS software environment of lake Khoromne with a depth interval of 0.25 m. The area of the littoral zone of the reservoir with a depth up to 3.0 m is the largest and is 30.55 ha (71.65%), it accumulates 861.15 thousand m3 of water masses (88.31 %). Two micro-basins in the lake with depths over 4.0 m have been identified and the maximum depth of the reservoir has been set at 6.21 m. Taking into account the integrated data (bathymetric map, composition and capacity of bottom sediments, species diversity of surface and underwater plant groups, features of the temperature regime in the summer season) and geographic information a landscape map of the natural aquatic complex of the lake Khoromne with isolation of littoral and sublittoral-profound aquapidurochishche and a number of aquafathies has been created. High-precision echo sounding of the Nobel NNP lakes is a prerequisite for the development of bathymetric, and landscape maps, cadastral passports of lakes and geo-ecological monitoring of reservoirs. The concluded thematic digital maps of reservoirs will be used as an information and cartographic support of balanced reserve and recreational use of lakes.


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